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An external evaluation identified stage 4 (years 7 & 8) and early stage 5 (year 9) as the time where student engagement starts to decline. As a result, staff at Cecil Hills High School decided to try and change this pattern by targeting student engagement through the implementation of various teaching methods. Our year 8 electives are based around the teaching method known as 'Project Based Learning.'


Project Based Learning aims for students to gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a question, problem or challenge. Electives concentrate on real world contexts with a focus on student concerns, interests and issues. Students should be continuously asking questions, finding resources and applying information

"The year 8 electives are about working towards the CECIL skills. Collaborate, Engage, Communicate, Innovate and Lead.


In all our electives, we do these things which help us in the future.


Everyone gets to choose their elective based on what they want to do.


Most of the electives are mainly practical and produce many works of arts in a variety of different ways.


The year 8 electives can also produce aid to the community as every elective is designed to help the community."


 - Zanira Shah and Alana Koval - Year 8 - 2020

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